
voda boda project









Vodacom Tanzania

VodaBoda - Electric Bikes

Private Equity




Project Name

Investment Type

ABOUT s a connect

S A Connect, as a private equity holding entity in Tanzania, has carved a niche in the acquisition and ​enhancement of businesses with Vodacom Tanzania. Leveraging their extensive network, abundant ​resources, and specialized knowledge, they excel at bolstering businesses, particularly within ​burgeoning markets.

S A Connect’ s investment strategy is rooted in identifying and nurturing high-potential ventures ​that demonstrate sustainable growth prospects and scalability. By infusing capital and strategic ​guidance, S A Connect aims to propel these businesses to new heights, driving innovation and ​economic development in the region.

The company's approach is centered on honing operational efficiencies, endorsing global scalability, ​and spearheading pivotal growth endeavors, positioning them as a potent entity in the private ​equity arena. With a commitment to responsible investing, S A Connect also places a strong ​emphasis on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria, ensuring that their investments ​not only yield financial returns but also contribute positively to society and the planet.

As S A Connect continues to expand its portfolio and impact, it remains dedicated to fostering a ​sustainable and prosperous future for Tanzania and beyond, solidifying its status as a leader in the ​private equity space.

Dar Es Salaam

ABOUT our founder & ceo

Sharif A. Aidarus

Sharif A. Aidarus

Sharif, a U.S. citizen with Somali origins, has been residing in Tanzania since 2011. He possesses a ​deep understanding of the East African socio-economic landscape and boasts an extensive ​educational background, including a postgraduate degree from Heidelberg University and a master’s ​in project management from George Washington University.

With over 20 years of experience in banking, consultancy, and project management, Sharif has honed ​his skills as a skilled dealmaker. He has also served as a former IRS Federal Credit Union executive in ​Washington, D.C., U.S. Sharif's expertise in project management, business development, and ​international logistics, coupled with his ability to lead and mentor, has significantly contributed to his ​professional success. Sharif is a polyglot, fluent in five languages: English, Italian, Arabic, Kiswahili, ​and Somali.

In addition to his professional achievements, Sharif is actively involved in various community and ​social initiatives. He is a strong advocate for sustainable development and is dedicated to fostering ​economic growth and improving the quality of life in East Africa. Sharif's multicultural background ​and diverse skill set make him a valuable asset in the global business landscape, where he continues ​to make a positive impact through his work and community involvement.


What is A Boda BoDa?

african bike man carrying a lady

In the vibrant and lively streets of East Africa, the term "boda boda" has emerged as a ubiquitous ​phrase, weaving its way into the very fabric of daily life across the region. But what underlies this ​term? At its essence, a boda boda is a motorcycle taxi service that has become a cornerstone of ​urban and rural transportation across several African nations, notably Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. ​This mode of transport is not just a means of getting from A to B; it represents a vital artery in the ​socio-economic landscape of the region.

According to the TICD Report, the boda boda industry plays a pivotal role in supporting the livelihoods of the ​youth, contributing significantly to their daily mobility and enabling them to engage in a myriad of socio-​economic activities. In fact, it is reported that boda bodas account for an impressive 42.2% of the daily ​transportation needs linked to these activities.

Zooming in on Dar es Salaam, the bustling economic hub of Tanzania, we find that over three million boda ​boda riders make up a staggering 60% of the country's total boda boda workforce. This figure starkly contrasts ​with the combined total of the remaining cities, which share the other 40%. This disparity underscores the ​central role that Dar es Salaam plays in the boda boda ecosystem, highlighting not only the city's dense ​population but also the dynamic economic opportunities that draw people into this line of work.

Through this lens, the boda boda industry emerges not merely as a transport solution but as a vibrant socio-​economic engine that fuels the dreams and daily lives of millions, offering a unique glimpse into the resilience ​and entrepreneurial spirit of East Africa.


Business Partnership Agreement

vodacom & vodaboda

Vodacom's strategic vision for this initiative is to ​significantly bolster its data and voice coverage across ​the region. In a dynamic approach to realize this vision, ​Vodacom is set to empower riders by distributing ​smartphones that come with a generous 3 GB internet ​data bundle and delivering comprehensive training ​sessions. This initiative is strategically designed to not ​only enhance connectivity for the riders but also to ​significantly broaden Vodacom's customer base, which ​impressively encompasses over 13 million users, ​accounting for around 20% of the population.

Vodacom's strategic vision for this initiative is to significantly bolster its ​data and voice coverage across the region. In a dynamic approach to ​realize this vision, Vodacom is set to empower riders by distributing ​smartphones that come with a generous 3 GB internet data bundle and ​delivering comprehensive training sessions. This initiative is strategically ​designed to not only enhance connectivity for the riders but also to ​significantly broaden Vodacom's customer base, which impressively ​encompasses over 13 million users, accounting for around 20% of the ​population.

Going beyond mere connectivity, Vodacom is taking a holistic approach ​to rider welfare by introducing insurance plans specifically tailored to ​cover medical expenses in the unfortunate event of accidents. This ​thoughtful provision underscores Vodacom's deep-rooted commitment ​to ensuring the safety and well-being of its riders, thereby fostering a ​robust and supportive ecosystem within the project.


Business Partnership Agreement

vodacom & vodaboda

Through the strategic alliance between Vodacom and S ​A Connect, we are positioned to harness Vodacom's ​extensive resources to broaden our outreach ​significantly. This partnership not only grants us access ​to their unparalleled expertise in security and marketing ​but also paves the way for making this venture widely ​accessible. A pivotal aspect of this unique collaboration ​involves a green transition from traditional combustion-​engine motorcycles to electric bikes, utilizing ​Vodacom's sophisticated collection systems and their ​established trust with riders.

This trust has nurtured a comprehensive network of riders, opening ​doors to a previously untapped market characterized by its focus on ​affordability and cost savings, particularly appealing to the below-​average income demographic.

This forward-looking initiative stands on the brink of significant growth ​under Vodacom's stewardship. The synergistic partnership strategy ​between S A Connect and Vodacom, coupled with the strategic ​implementation of Vodacom's systems, is poised to generate a ​substantial return on investment. In the subsequent presentation, we will ​explore in detail how partnering with Vodacom can establish a secure ​and efficient operational framework, marking a milestone in our journey ​towards sustainable and inclusive mobility solutions.

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Business Partnership Agreement

vodacom & vodaboda

The Arrangement

The successful execution of contractual commitments with Vodacom is crucial for the project's triumph, impacting significantly in two ​fundamental aspects: corporate strategy and sales & marketing efforts. This entails a seamless integration of Vodacom's vast ​resources and expertise into our project framework, enhancing our corporate objectives through strategic alignment and bolstering ​our sales and marketing strategies with Vodacom's innovative approaches and expansive network. Such collaboration not only propels ​our project towards achieving its goals but also amplifies its potential impact, setting a new benchmark for excellence in operational ​and marketing execution. Through this partnership, we leverage Vodacom's industry-leading capabilities to elevate our project, ​ensuring a synergistic achievement of both immediate objectives and long-term ambitions.

Marketing & Sales

Utilizing its impressive customer base of over 13 million users and widespread network capabilities, Vodacom is uniquely poised to ​launch extensive advertising initiatives. The company intends to harness an array of communication mediums, from targeted SMS ​campaigns to dynamic engagements across multiple social media platforms, ensuring a broad and effective promotion of the service. ​This strategic approach will leverage Vodacom's far-reaching influence to maximize visibility and engagement, tapping into a diverse ​audience to elevate the service's market presence.

Corprorate Management

As a leading Mobile Network Operator (MNO), Vodacom boasts an extensive array of resources and a multifaceted ​product suite designed to meet the demands of both elite clients and the wider population in their everyday lives. This ​current initiative is meticulously crafted to cater to the broad spectrum of needs among the general populace. ​Leveraging its comprehensive and customized product offerings, Vodacom emerges as a crucial catalyst in achieving this ​goal. The company's strategic positioning enables it to bridge digital divides and foster connectivity, underscoring its ​role as a key facilitator in enhancing accessibility and enriching the daily experiences of its diverse user base.


Business Partnership Agreement

vodacom & vodaboda

Key offerings within Vodacom's portfolio

Vodacom's suite of services is meticulously designed to cater to a wide range of customer ​needs, encompassing both individual and enterprise solutions. These offerings include:

  1. M-PESA: A revolutionary mobile money platform that enables users to conduct a variety of ​financial transactions with ease and security, transforming the way money is moved and ​managed.
  2. SONGESHA: An innovative lending application that provides users with quick and reliable ​access to credit, empowering them to meet their financial needs promptly.
  3. Voice Communication Services: High-quality call solutions that ensure clear and consistent ​voice connections, facilitating seamless communication for both personal and business ​purposes.
  4. Data Connectivity Services: Robust and reliable data services offering high-speed internet ​access, supporting everything from basic web browsing to complex business operations.
  5. PAISHA: A versatile financial service (assumed), designed to further enhance Vodacom's ​commitment to providing comprehensive transactional solutions to its users.

Through these key offerings, Vodacom not only addresses the fundamental communication and ​financial needs of its clientele but also enriches their daily lives with innovative and accessible ​technology solutions.


Business Partnership Agreement

vodacom & vodaboda



Vodacom's initiative is marked by an exclusive partnership with S A Connect, establishing a unique ​and focused contractual alliance specifically within the boda boda industry. This exclusivity ensures ​that Vodacom engages solely with S A Connect, setting a clear boundary against collaborations ​with other firms in this niche market. Such a strategic arrangement highlights the commitment of ​both Vodacom and S A Connect to forge a strong, singular path forward, leveraging their ​combined strengths to innovate and lead within the dynamic landscape of the boda boda sector. ​This partnership not only signifies a dedicated effort to enhance service delivery and market ​presence but also positions the collaboration as a pivotal force in the industry's evolution.


As one of the leading Mobile Network Operators in Tanzania, the strategic branding of the project ​and the electric bikes is of paramount importance. This approach will not only enhance brand ​visibility and extend market penetration in operational regions but will also significantly contribute ​to cultivating positive relationships with stakeholders. By leveraging its extensive network and ​brand equity, the initiative is positioned to make a lasting impact, driving both consumer ​engagement and stakeholder trust across the board. This strategic branding effort is essential for ​establishing a strong presence in the market and fostering long-term partnerships within the boda ​boda industry.


Business Partnership Agreement

vodacom & vodaboda

27,000 Agnets

Leveraging its expansive network of over 27,000 agents throughout Tanzania, Vodacom secures a ​formidable strategic position for promoting its services. This vast network of agents does more ​than just bolster advertising initiatives; it significantly improves service accessibility for riders. By ​facilitating easy payment transactions and ensuring the efficient issuance of receipts to ​passengers, Vodacom enhances the overall user experience. This network acts as a critical ​infrastructure in bridging the gap between technology and convenience, making it easier for ​riders to manage their earnings and for passengers to enjoy a smooth and hassle-free service. ​This synergy between advertising reach and operational efficiency underscores Vodacom's ​commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction in the Tanzanian market.


Vodacom's rollout of electric bikes will follow a meticulously planned process. Engagement with ​prospective riders will be initiated through direct outreach and targeted advertising on various ​social media platforms, ensuring a wide-reaching impact. This phase of communication will ​comprehensively cover the terms and conditions of participation, respond to any inquiries, and ​highlight the advantages of being part of the project. Subsequent to this initial engagement, ​Vodacom will introduce an extensive training program for the riders. This program will not only ​cover operational aspects of the e-bikes but will also place a strong emphasis on health and ​safety protocols, aiming to cultivate a network of riders who are not only well-informed about the ​project's objectives but are also equipped with the knowledge to ensure their own safety and that ​of their passengers.

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The Vodaboda initiative is a multifaceted approach to addressing three pivotal challenges facing the country, with a ​strong focus on environmental sustainability at both local and national levels. This innovative program acknowledges ​the significant environmental degradation caused by traditional fuel-powered motorcycles and advocates for a shift to ​electric vodabodas as a solution. Conventional motorcycles are notorious for their high emissions of carbon dioxide and ​other pollutants, which exacerbate climate change and pose severe public health risks. In stark contrast, electric ​vodabodas offer a clean, zero-emission alternative, aligning with global efforts to combat climate change and foster a ​transition to renewable energy sources.

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The adoption of electric Vodabodas marks a crucial step in reducing Tanzania's carbon emissions and enhancing air ​quality, which is essential for safeguarding public health. This shift towards electric mobility is expected to spur ​economic growth by encouraging the adoption of clean technology and creating new job opportunities in the green ​economy sector. By adopting electric Vodabodas, communities can actively participate in shaping a sustainable future, ​reducing reliance on fossil fuels, and contributing to the global transition towards a more eco-friendly and resilient ​transportation system.

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Moreover, the widespread use of electric Vodabodas can lead to a more inclusive and equitable society by providing ​affordable and accessible transportation options for all, especially those in underserved areas. It also paves the way for ​innovation in transportation infrastructure, such as the development of charging stations and maintenance facilities, ​further stimulating local economies.

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This initiative not only addresses immediate environmental and health concerns but also lays the foundation for long-​term sustainable development and prosperity. By integrating electric Vodabodas into the transportation network, ​Tanzania can position itself as a leader in sustainable mobility in Africa.

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Furthermore, the project aims to enhance employment and entrepreneurial opportunities within the community. Boda ​bodas are a vital source of income, providing direct employment through the hiring of individuals as riders who often ​lease motorcycles for passenger transport. The project also broadens entrepreneurial prospects for those facing ​barriers to formal employment or lacking the capital to independently purchase bikes. By facilitating the transfer of ​bike ownership to riders after a 24-month period, the initiative empowers these individuals to transition from lessees to ​owners, thereby becoming entrepreneurs and asset holders. This approach not only fosters economic independence ​but also contributes to the overall economic development of the community.

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In response to the escalating fuel prices in Dar es Salaam, the Vodaboda project has been developed as an innovative ​transportation model specifically designed for low- and middle-income earners. By introducing battery-operated bikes, ​the initiative offers a cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and sustainable mode of transportation, aiming to ease ​the immediate financial strain on consumers. The adoption of electric bikes is anticipated to substantially reduce daily ​operating costs for riders, support environmental conservation efforts, and create new job opportunities in the green ​economy.

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Furthermore, the Vodaboda project is poised to transform urban mobility in Dar es Salaam by reducing traffic ​congestion and lowering carbon emissions, contributing to a cleaner and healthier city. The initiative also includes ​training programs for riders, ensuring they are equipped with the necessary skills to safely operate and maintain the ​electric bikes. By providing an affordable and accessible transportation alternative, the Vodaboda project seeks to ​enhance the quality of life for residents, promote social inclusion, and foster a more sustainable urban environment.


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operation icon. high efficient process.

Charging Ports

Optimal Charging Port Locations for Maximum Efficiency

The strategic positioning of charging ports is paramount in maximizing accessibility and ​convenience for e-bike riders. An optimal strategy involves situating these ports near petrol ​stations, leveraging their strategic locations and high accessibility for riders. Petrol stations, being ​well-distributed and easily reachable, offer an ideal backdrop for charging ports, ensuring riders ​can effortlessly recharge their bikes.

Incorporating charging ports within an 80km radius throughout Dar es Salaam is recommended to ​guarantee that riders can access these facilities swiftly and without hassle. This radius is specifically ​designed to cater to the daily operational range of e-bikes, ensuring riders are always within reach ​of a charging station.

Furthermore, situating charging ports in high-traffic areas such as malls and popular gathering ​spots presents an innovative solution. These locations are hubs of activity where significant ​passenger pickups and drop-offs occur, making them strategic points for charging ports. By ​aligning charging port placement with these areas, we not only facilitate convenience for riders ​but also enhance the service's visibility, encouraging more widespread adoption of eco-friendly ​transportation options. This approach underscores a commitment to operational efficiency, rider ​convenience, and sustainable urban mobility.

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operation icon. high efficient process.

e-bıkes vs. gas motorcyles


The shift towards electric bikes in the motorbike taxi industry is propelled by a powerful synergy of economic incentives, ​environmental stewardship, and enhanced operational effectiveness. This transition is not merely a trend; it represents a significant ​evolution in the transportation sector, offering riders substantial financial gains while simultaneously advancing companies' strategic ​positioning for enduring success. The adoption of e-bikes stands at the forefront of innovation, embodying a commitment to ​sustainability and efficiency that resonates with the growing consumer demand for eco-friendly solutions. By embracing electric ​mobility, the industry sets a new standard for environmental responsibility, market adaptability, and economic opportunity, marking a ​pivotal step towards a sustainable future in urban transportation.

Economic Advantages

  • Zero Fuel Costs: Eliminates the expense associated with gasoline, offering direct financial ​relief.

  • Reduced Maintenance Costs: Electric bikes are simpler and cheaper to maintain, translating ​into significant savings.

  • Substantial Savings for Low-Income Populations: Savings of $2 to $4 per day can make a ​considerable difference, enhancing the economic well-being of lower-income riders.
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e-bıkes vs. gas motorcyles


Environmental Impact

  • Lower Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Electric bikes contribute to a substantial reduction in ​emissions that cause global warming.

  • Zero Tailpipe Emissions: Completely eliminates the air pollutants directly released by ​gasoline-powered engines.

  • Energy Efficiency: Utilizes renewable energy sources more efficiently compared to traditional ​fossil fuels.
Eco Friendly

Noise Pollution

  • Significantly Reduced Noise Pollution: Electric bikes offer a quieter operation, leading to ​less noise pollution in urban environments.

  • Quiet and Pleasant Working Environment: Riders and communities benefit from a more ​serene and less stressful atmosphere.
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operation icon. high efficient process.

e-bıkes vs. gas motorcyles


Maintenance Benefits

  • Simpler Mechanical Systems: The absence of complex internal combustion engines leads to ​lower maintenance needs and costs.

  • Reduced Wear and Tear: Electric bikes experience less mechanical degradation over time, ​extending their lifespan.

  • No Oil Changes Required: The electric drivetrain eliminates the need for oil changes, further ​reducing maintenance costs.

  • Cost-Effective Diagnostics: Diagnosing issues with electric bikes is generally less expensive, ​thanks to their simpler electronic systems.
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These advancements elevate electric bikes to an unparalleled status, making them the preferred option for both riders ​and businesses. Beyond the immediate benefits, this transition dovetails with wider objectives of promoting sustainability, ​enhancing operational efficiency, and improving the quality of urban life. By adopting electric bikes, the industry not only ​contributes to reducing carbon emissions and noise pollution but also fosters a more sustainable and livable urban ​environment. This strategic alignment underscores a commitment to future-proofing urban mobility, demonstrating a ​forward-thinking approach that balances economic viability with environmental responsibility and social well-being.

Dar es Salaam

Contact us

Acacia Estates Offices,

1st floor,

84 Kinondoni Road,

P.O Box 38568, Dar Es Salaam, ​unıted republıc of Tanzania


mob: +255 755 49 38 96